Radio Reversal

Shreya, Anna, Natalie, Han, Lamisse, Aleea and Helen


9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Radio Reversal is a show that subjects aspects of everyday life to historico-political, theoretical, cheeky, irreverent, high brow, low brow, eye brow, warm-hearted analysis. Our aim is to see the world more clearly, think about what we'd like it to become, and how we can make that happen.  We think that discussing these sorts of ideas is one way to lessen the alienation that affects many of us trying to make sense of a world that so often makes no sense of us.  We also play loads of awesome music (sometimes thematic!) with great enthusiasm for requests and an emphasis on supporting local artists. It's fun!

Email us! radio.reversal(at)

You can also access our podcasts here.


02 May, 2024

Students for Palestine and the Growing Global Movement

Good morning zedheads! Today on the show we’re bringing you another round-up of radical solidarity organising from across the city, as protest encampments continue to grow on university campuses across the globe.
We’re focusing on two key sites of struggle in the lead up to Labour Day - student occupations at universities across the world, and worker organising, pickets, and blockades of factories and institutions complicit in genocide. This week, we’ll be digging into some of the incredible organising happening on campuses right here in so-called brisbane, and sharing some recordings and reflections from the rally at the University of Queensland on Monday 29 April that saw hundreds of students gather and march to the headquarters of the Boeing centre at the university of Queensland to demand that UQ cut all ties with weapons manufacturers complicit in the genocide in Palestine.
We’ll be sharing a range of content on today’s show, including a bunch of field recordings from speeches at rallies and protests across the city, as well as excerpts from a much longer interview with the extraordinary Palestinian biologist, human rights activist and writer, Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, plus an interview with one of the health workers involved with the picket planned for the Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists this weekend.
Tune in from 9-10 on 4ZZZ - lots of new and local music in the mix this morning as well - or catch up later on demand via the 4ZZZ website
June JonesLooking Out for an AngelAUS 09:03:55
SyccoI'd Love to Tell YouLOCAL 09:15:41
Tia GostelowTaking My TimeLOCAL 09:36:16