Alphabet Soup

Linda Dark


7:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Tune in each week to hear our letter-of-the-week! Each show is based on one letter of the alphabet and we will only play songs and/or artists beginning with the chosen letter! Covering the best new alternative music, the cream of the local artist crop, and all the classics!

Instagram: @4zzz_alphabet_soup

Facebook: @4zzzalphabetsoup

Instagram: @talkin_bushwalkin

Facebook: @TalkinBushwalkin



13 February, 2025

The Letter L Show

PrinceLa, La, La, He, He, Hee 07:00:45
Ghost MuttLa LuzAños MigrañosLOCAL 07:07:40
La LuzStrange WorldStrange World (Single) 07:11:45
Nice BiscuitLove That Takes You UpSOSLOCAL 07:16:20
Large MirageTaking My TimeTaking My Time (Single)AUS 07:21:10
Lambrini GirlsBig Dick EnergyWho Let The Dogs Out 07:32:15
L7ShitlistBricks Are Heavy 07:36:35
Last QuokkaOTCOTC (Single)AUS 07:39:35
DogtoothLay Down The GunsLay Down The Guns (Single)LOCAL 07:42:40
smallwaysLeeches Leeches (Single)AUS 07:57:50
Party DozenLES CRIMESCrime In AustraliaAUS 08:03:30
Electric Prawns 2Last NiteSplit EP - Midgee & Electric Prawns 2LOCAL 08:07:15
CakesLove BalladLove Ballad (Single)LOCAL 08:14:25
VelociraptorLike A Lake (Tick the Tock)Computer FutureLOCAL 08:25:10
FugaziLong DivisionSteady Diet of Nothing 08:27:00
Lunatic CalmLeave You Far BehindMetropol 08:29:55
King StingrayLight Up The PathFor The DreamsAUS 08:33:10
LagwagonToday 08:40:20
The SnoutsLost to the SeaLost to the Sea (Single)LOCAL 08:43:00
LeatheretteItchyItchy 08:45:10
Mick Medew and UrsulaLove Is CallingLove Is CallingLOCAL 08:48:45
GreenskeepersLotionLotion (Single) 08:56:10