Exit Stage Zed

Domenico & Alex


2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The hottest flavours. The finest in local produce. Look no further than Exit Stage Zed for your next musical feast! Zeroing in on the cream of the musical and cultural crop with interviews, killer tracks and high-quality bantz, join Alex & Domenico every Saturday from 2-4pm.



All inquiries email exitstagezed@gmail.com


08 February, 2025

Alice SkyeGrand IdeasAUS 02:02:54
Feeding FaunaThe Headland LOCAL 02:10:59
Cat PowerCherokee 02:15:27
The ButtercatsMorning DexyLOCAL 02:21:33
Leon BridgesBad Bad News 02:25:50
MiishaTwisting WordsLOCAL 02:29:11
The CoupThis Year 02:32:29
The Wicked MessengerScottish Bands and Holding Hands LOCAL 02:40:29
Asha Jefferies If It Makes You Happy LOCAL 02:43:36
Red HillWell Roard Lion LOCAL 02:50:28
Spring Hill Walkers Club Anxiety LOCAL 02:53:32
Tara SimmonsThe FundamentalistLOCAL 02:58:40
New BuffaloRecoveryAUS 03:01:48
Megan WashingtonWho Are You LOCAL 03:05:31
First Aid KitMy Silver Lining 03:10:25
Republica Get Redy To Go 03:19:20
ElasticaConnection 03:23:03
The BreedersConnonball 03:25:18
SleeperStatuesque 03:29:16
Veruca SaltSeether 03:33:04
GarbageWhen I grow Up 03:37:20
Velocity GirlMy Forgotten Favourite 03:41:10
Nerf HurderBuffy The Vampire Slayer Theme 03:46:25
ElectrelaneI'm On Fire (Bruce Springsteen Cover) 03:47:44
The Bear HuntName & Shame LOCAL 03:51:39
Mitch PleaseBricks LOCAL 03:54:25
Teenage JoansINTIFADA AUS 03:57:30