Know Idea
with Max, Jay, Peta, Vi, Issy & Gabe feat. 100%* Aussie Music as selected by DJ T
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Your weekly dose of science on 4ZZZ for over 10 years! All things space & time, environment, health, tech, psychology plus everything else in-between. Music submissions: Instagram: @knowidea4zzz. Facebook: Twitter: TEXT your science questions to 0420 626 733
*100% Aussie music only guaranteed when Max is in the mood for it.
02 October, 2024
Legging It For Tasty Tech
Bean MagazineWeatherLOCAL 10:07:10
Future HauntsWeather VaneLOCAL 10:14:02
Beddy RaysBetter WeatherLOCAL 10:21:21
Golden Vessel & HeadachesHappy Days in Happy WeatherLOCAL 10:28:52
Off JudyUnder The WeatherLOCAL 10:32:04
Sierra FinTee Shirt WeatherAUS 10:42:01
Squid FishingShitty WeatherAUS 10:45:53
Owen SmithWild Wild WeatherAUS 10:53:52
The PanicsWeatherman AUS 10:56:43
Frank TurnerPlain Sailing Weather 11:04:12
Fraser BellWeathered EyeLOCAL 11:32:38
Owls of NeptuneStormy WeatherLOCAL 11:36:19
Tripsitta Green LightLOCAL 11:43:56
The Amity AfflictionI Bring The Weather With MeLOCAL 11:51:50
Glider PilotsExposed To WeatherLOCAL 11:57:00