Subzzz Novo

Sub Band Coordinator Billie


8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

SUBZZZ NOVO is a radio show on Zed Digital, Thursdays at 8pm.
On Subzzz Novo you can listen to music by 4ZZZ subscriber bands and solo-artists only.
To get in contact swing us and email at
the gram: subzzz_novo
To subscribe visit: 
Hard copy letters/CD's to:
4ZZZ Radio
Billie Letic, Sub Band Coordinator
PO Box 509
Fortitude Valley QLD 4006

06 February, 2025

epi #167

Fresh new tunes on this episode! Music by Born Again Hypocrite, Georgia Scarlett, Damien J. Johnson, Scott Stevenson and more.

Born Again HypocriteThe ShallowsLOCAL
Red HillToo SoonLOCAL
The Front Porch MoronsDinner TimeLOCAL
These Idle HandsBetween You And The SunLOCAL
greg brady and the anchorsdon't go out in the coldLOCAL
Damien J. JohnsonOne Hill TownLOCAL
Georgia ScarlettBookwormLOCAL
Jade and the LiltsThieveryLOCAL
Luke AllanSilver LiningLOCAL
Scott StevensonArukasLOCAL
Warren EchoNeon SkilletLOCAL
GhostwoodsBrighter Now (gartr0n Remix)LOCAL
KZVNANear to the Wild HeartLOCAL
Sepia BlueCarpenter's CupLOCAL