Talking Zeds

various hosts


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Talking Zeds features a different 4ZZZ announcer week to week. The key words are: community, interest, variety.

13 February, 2025

Exploring the Waitangi Treaty & the threat to Barrambin/Victoria Park

Attacks on the Treaty of Waitangi in Aotearoa/NZ

Interview with Rhee Duthie, a Maori woman from the Tainui tribe, exploring the Treaty of Waitangi and what it means to Maori people.

As referenced during the interview, this is video of the haka protest on the floor of the NZ Parliament by Te Parti Maori MP Hana-Rawhiti Kareariki Maipi-Clarke.

This is a YouTube video of the song mentioned at the end of the interview, created for Te Matantini o Te Kahui Maunga 2025.

The threat to Barrambin/Victoria Park

The Top End of Town is threatening the future of the major inner-city parkland of Barrambin/Victoria Park, which is also a highly significant site for the Tuurbul people. Talking Zeds talks with Campbell Newman, someone who is part of the Top End of Town, knows how it operates, and why it is such a terrible idea to destroy Barrambin for some sports stadiums.

For more on how to participate in the campaign to save Victoria Park / Barrambin, head to


Rhee Duthie interviewpart 1 10:05:00
Moana and the TribeTreaty 10:25:00
Rhee Duthie interviewpart 2 10:29:00
The Worm TurnsEverything is Beautiful and I'm so SadLOCAL 11:04:00
Te Matatini & Corrella (feat. L.A.B)We Belong 11:09:00
Impossible OddsIdentity feat KMT & Georgia CorowaLOCAL 11:16:00
Campbell NewmanInterview 11:20:00
Public Enemy Fight the Power 11:53:00