The Brisbane Drum n B4zzz Show

SAMp3, De La Haye, D.Empty and Obzerve


10:00 PM - 12:00 AM

A 2 hour weekly Drum And Bass show which aims to showcase local producers tunes and host local DJ's guest mixes, as well as fill you in on all things happening in our DNB scene here in Brisbane, The Gold Coast and The Sunshine Coast. Hosted by local DJ's SAMp3Green Eggs & Sam, ReegzeSkitzoid , De La Haye, Talisman, Obzerve, D.Empty, Keep Caliing Me That and Madison Smee. If you'd like to hear your song played or just want to get in touch please email


16 February, 2025

TBDNBS s4e10 w/ Madison Smee FT. JaxxFae & conVergence

Yew! Welcoming back Madison Smee as our host tonight. Featuring local tunes by local producers, and 2 big guest mixes by powerhouse woman! JaxxFae and conVergence. <3

Cliff YoungHip Hop Track for Lustre InitiaitonLOCAL
Son1cThe Mummy
The DelegateMissing
JaxxFaeGuest Mix
conVergenceGuest Mix 2